Monday, October 30, 2006

Weekend OverDrive

friday started with a bang. first, i came home after a long & tedious day from work to get sons [two mind ya] ready for oldest son shai-styles' school MoNster BaSh and i settl'd to dress him like a skateboarder slash rocker -- in short, he h8'd the look. never seen my lil' guy so sad & a wee bit embarrass'd -- i wished i could have the hair & make-up a bit wilder, but there was jst no more time but to roll with it and he did too after an hour or so from actin' like a sourpuss. the lil' stinker aka steel [hence, momOfsteel] went as a sports finantic -- doll'd him up ev'ry and any sports memorabilia we could muster from his closet. . .granted, he's only a 2.5 yr old, pint-sized like-hobbit & a lil' face makeup to complete the look, his costume seemed like a HIT!
all in all, the eve started off fresh, showboat'd at the event for 'bout two hours, to what seemed a whole lot longer, and then we scurried off into the eve to dine at claim jUmper, an eatery for the masses though this la mesa location was quite lacking in the dessert dept., not that i'm complainin'. . .the entre i had was very deliciOso. . .only wish'd the chocOlate chip calZone was available. . .i highly recommended it!!!
saturday was a tad better -- took a drive out to the infamous OC, laguna beach & dana point! i know. . .i know. . .i jst couldn't resist! but yes, the scenic route was absolutely. . .breathtakin'! i swear these damn kids in laguna have it ALL, and i'm so chealous. . .jst a lil' bit!!! after our rendevous out to the OC, we headed back to del mar -- broke bread at milton's delicatessen and then hurried onto SCReamZone. . .mind ya, it was k8y's 1st time at the scare grounds, and boy it was hilarIous to see her scream. . .the woman had sum piPes, i tell ya. . .ironically, she scream'd more than i did, but i somehow lost my voice. i think it was a combo b/w a lil' of the flu-bug & yellin' . . .those clowns scare me. . .but boy, they did an awesome JOB. . .worth ev'ry penny we spent as well as standin' in line in the cold. . .i'd do it. . .again. until nxt time. . .toodles, j

Thursday, October 26, 2006

LB's Epi 11 Review

so last night's epi "3-day rule" of laguna beach was sOooo not what i was hoping for. i guess i wanted more drama -- may be a confrontation b/w alex & raquel aka "rocky" to arise at the concert, or how 'bout tessa getting a reality check that guys don't want a clinger-chick. tessa has no clue, whatsoever, when it comes to boys, and i really feel bad for her, honestly i do. i feel like goin' out to laguna to school her that guys [generally speaking 'bout highschool ones] just want a "for now" gal, a pT-girl [part-time] -- when it's convienient for them, so it's obvious that derek was jst playin' her all along like a guitar. and judging by this season's batch, it's so crystal clear that the guys' are running shat like they iz "it", even though we have this sorry season being narrated by pitiful tessa! the producers should take a page by having the nxt season be narrated by the likes of. . . kelan instead -- uh yes, kelan -- what wonderful big brown eyes you have, my pretty! lol goodness, i wish i was 17 again -- you. . .me. . .together as one. . .ha! okay J- sounding a bit stalker-ish. . .where was i?! oh yes, the first two seasons, the girls were taking full charge of the situation -- gawd, bring back kristen, alex m., & lc!!! as much i love to hate this show, it jst brings me back to such fond highschool memories that i miss so much. . .tafuna high rocked!!!
oops, my badd. . .jst had to throw a shoutout 2 my alma mater, got too much warrior Pride in the fizzle! so i was sayin' after gettin' a wee sidetrack'd. . . in a nutshell -- i honestly didn't dug this epi, at all. i basically stayed up past my bedtime and felt so robbed. i thought that a reconciliation btw alex & rocky was gonna happen, b/c seriously, i did think the two of 'em will always be. . . forever & ever together. . .but oh no. . .those damn producers! only showin' us a six-minute tension-grabber, and then. . .that's pretty much it!. . .why am i a sucker for highschool-luvin'?! ;D

so wrapup thoughts:: i find alex to be a complete mcJerk with a twist -- goin' on & on 'bout rocky, yet he's clearly still madd for her. . .c'mon alex, jst admit it. . .even though he call'd my girl rocky a "sL*t" jst cuz she was hangin' w/ nick at the concert. and speakin' of nick -- he gets kuddos fo' bein' oh-so a gent' [awww, stop it] ;D but yes, i could tell my girl rocky was really into him, it was only when alex showed that she tried to put the moves on him [go 'On w/ ur badd-self, rocky] lol. . .and so it seemed that gettin' alex jeaolous positively worked in rocky's favor. even though, rocky didn't do it in the intention to drive him out of the concert hall -- she needed a hug, badd! but i'm sure if lexie had shown up, alex would have been doing the same thing to lexie --whispering in her ear, touchy-feely. . .blah. . .blah. . .so glad that alex got majorly diss'd by lexie. lol points for the ice princess aka lexie! surprised to see breanna in the mix. cannot believe she showed up at the concert and without an entourage. she's definitely a loner! lol i guess lexie didn't clue her in on the plans for the eve' -- may be breanna is dying for some tv-time -- hey, is it jst me or does breanna look NOthin' like her big sis, lc?! she mst take after the pops' of the fam.
ok so judgin' the previews for nxt week's epi, looks like breanna will have plenty of tv-time to try and woo us, and gettin' pretty coZy too by former date-DOrk, derek. . .ewww! !! fugly flocks together. . .lol. . .a match made only found in the OC. . .i'm totally kidding! hehehehehe. . .

boltin' out! j

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My new Obsession: Laguna Beach

does anyone else watch laguna beach, anymore? sheesh. . .i feel like i'm the only one on the LB-express that still tunes in each wed eves jst to see the new batch of season 3 to duke it out . and i can't believe i jst admitted it that. . .shameless i know. . .but i can't help it. . .this last epi entitled "it's like, break-up season" was by far *yawns*. . .uneventful. although, i did have to hand it to racquel for being oh-so mature 'bout the whole break-up aftermath with alex -- and at a group bonfire, very awkward. and can't believe after racquel walks away from alex, he immediately goes to back to the group like nothing major happened, and starts asking those twits their celly digits! like wtfuzz?! i'm PO'd that racquel allowed such behavior to continue on in her presence. i would have been calling him out like the spazz he is. so not cool, at all!!! i figured alex was at least the creme a le laguna-crop, but he jst lost major points for bein' like the rest of them.
looks like next week's epi, we begin to see a very darker side of alex -- calling racquel a sL*t, jst cuz she agreed 2 go on a date with nick, cam's ultra-sidekick. some1 pleeeze get me a paintball gun so i can start shootin' pellets at alex. first off, he broke it off w/ racquel for being too "intense", and who was the one that decides to start gettin' celly digits of potential girlies while your recently -ex is a few feet away and can basically hear the convos???!
why is it that girls are labeled sl*t or biatches all the time?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

what's in a name?

i guess an intro is in order, seeing how this is my first official "blog-fest" of sorts and i'm actually excited by it all. can't ya see my almost koolaid smile?! well, it's true! because beforehand, 'bout two and a half years ago, i use to post random thoughts on my then personal site called "Julia's Domain" on yahoo. only recently did i decide to retire it entirely, the domain name & bandwidth, ie. . .long story short, i somehow landed in the pages of "blogger" mania and in a nutshell, it's great to have found a home for my future e-blogs-a-plenty. ya like that?! ha! of course, if you're still debating if you should continue to read anymore of my sweet nothings, than i promise you that you won't be disappointed because i've got the magic. . .stick?! well, not really. . .but you'll be my A. my new best "cyber-pal" & B. you're so way COOL. . .and smart, even!

okay, so before i start goin' on & on & on & on. . .oops, i meant to stop at on #2. . .'bout ME, two things: i prefer to type in small case, so only if i plan to emphasize a word or two, will i use caps -- bottomline, small caps is my thang. plus, it looks way HOTTER. don't ya agree?! and 2. please no hating on the blog, wo-/MAN! if ya feel the need to cut me were it hurts, than BRING IT, but elsewhere. . .ya dig?! other than that, COMM-ents, -pliments are always welcomeD!!! and, constructive criticism is appreciated as well. so show any kind of lovin', in whatever shape or form, and mind ya i did say "LOVE".

alrightie then, enough with the damn formalities, sheesh. . .so i'll begin by jabbin' 'bout. . .ME, of course! hehehehehe. . .whaaaAT?! ;D i'm a mom of two boys, uh duh. . .hence, the "mom of steel" & shai-styles, and let's not forget wifey to hubby B. [stay tuned for pics galore] and lately, working out incessantly is my thing now, next to family life. get this, i have 24-hr gym membership but slackin'. . .bigTIME, although, i've been optin' 2 play tennis instead. and so far, it's been exhiliarating! tryin' 2 get back down into a size 2 since movin' up to murrieta, ca & then back down to san diego, ca. and yeah, i'll say it. . .i blame the weight gain from wence moving out to pleasantville!!! teehee! but seriously folks, 2 yrs livin' in the suburbs and i gained you ready for this. . .20 plus pounds. . .it sorely SUCKS when nadda fits ya anymore. and i refuse 2 storage my smaller clothes, b/c i have it in my thick brain that eventually, it'll fit! lol yes ppl, i'm in DENIAL, even big sis, june, says it so too. but i'm driven 2 run, run, run. . .no matter how long or how fast, i'm determined to get back down to my widdle widdle-ol'self. . .younger sis, k8 is here visiting d'aygo from AmSam -- she too is trying to shed 'bout the same amount. . .so i got my workout partna-in-crime and i think i'll be set to reach my target goal weight of $1.05. . .[gulp]. . .uh, kiddin'. . .get a grip, ppl!

so i don't know if any of ya noticed, but i am in fact. . .SAMOAN! yeah, like how could ya, no pics of any kine. . .not that it matters, but i'd like ya ppl to get an idea of who this lil' suga [chick] ish. so make sure you come hungry & leave your slippas at the door so i can rap to ya sum tasty palusami. . .welcome anyone & everyone with open-arms, that's jst the way it is. we wear our hearts & pride on our sleeves, but believe me don't take us for a fool b/c we do damage, and in the literal sense too!
so in a nutshell, born & raised on my island of American Samoa aka AmSam. and yes, there still exists two Samoa's, located in the heart of the South Pacific ocean. . .two Samoa's, indeed. . .did i stutter?! this is true, so if ya don't believe me, then do some research on Google or visit your local library for an Atlas?! damn, do they still make those?! and no, i won't spend the next two or three paragraphs giving a free geography lesson on the matter, but jst know, that two islands of Samoa still exist. . .American Samoa & Samoa. . .so get it right, y'hurd?!

basically, left "home" at the tender & naive age of 17 to attend college. did a whole lot of growing up 'bout how the real world works, fell in love too many times to count, & somehow settled here in d'aygo. oh yes, i remember how i ended up here, but rather go into anymore of details, jst know this. . .that i still love & miss "home", terribly. and someday soon, i'll return to the islands along with the family. but until then, this here lil' suga is livin' life to it's full max here in sunnyville san diego, ca. life's been real good to us, a struggle at first, but all lessons learned nonetheless. . .and so it seems like the heavens have been watching over us all along, and for that i'm eternally thankful for all that i have, my life and my family.

and before i forget, the name is jst. . ."J"! blessings ;D