Tuesday, February 06, 2007

reading my scriptures!

so i finally decided to take my bubble -butt and boys to church this past sunday. somehow, i was pondering on what i should do for the day, and i figured that a sunday spent at home watching endless tv wasn't the answer. nor was it constructive on a sabbath for my boys, so i dress'd the kiddos and quickly threw on an outfit that i knew was the only thing in my closet worthy of wearing since it fit -- mental note: run, run, run! so i get there to the meetinghouse, and of course i'm late -- just in time for partakin' of the sacrament. i knew in my heart that it had been so long since i've renewed my covenants w/ my savior,but i took it anyway, and you know what --i felt good afterwards.
i took shai-styles to primary, and took steel to nursery. i met a new friend in nursery, and so did lil' steel. how wonderful it is to find another gal that attended byuh -- such a small world, i tell ya. in any case, we chatt'd endlessly. . .then i left for relief society. wonderful lesson on true conversion and seein' how it was fast & testimony sunday, how appropriate was it to be a part of all that and more.
so of course, i didn't bear my testimony, but i did feel the need to begin reading my scriptures, especially the BOM (book of mormon). so that is my goal for this month of feb is to read or in my case, i purchased the BOM on CD (audio-version), so if i'm at work or in my work, i can put on a CD and visualize the words as it's being spoken.