Thursday, January 29, 2009

TAG, you're it!

1. Started your own blog. . .isn't it obvious?!

2. Slept under the stars. . .who hasn't?!

3. Played in a band. . .musically challenged

4. Visited Hawaii. . .shoots

5. Watched a meteor shower. . .of course

6. Given more than you can afford to charity. . .not that charitable

7. Been to Disneyland. . .need to visit mickey & friends again w/ the boys

8. Held a praying mantis. . .not up close & personal

9. Climbed a mountain. . .in my backyard of samoa

10.Sang a solo. . .see answer #3

11. Bungee jumped. . .not yet

12. Visited Paris. . .on my wishlist

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea. . .only on youtube

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch. . .it's called Interactive Etch-a-Sketch

15. Adopted a child. . .not my style

16. Had food poisoning. . . i can't say i have

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty. . .at the time, the top was closed for renovations

18. Grown your own vegetables. . . someday

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France. . . 1 of my to-do item

20. Slept on an overnight train. . .never been on 1

21. Had a pillow fight. . .sure i did

22. Hitch hiked. . . it's doable in samoa

23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill. . .i plead the 5th

24. Built a snow fort. . .in my freezer the other day

25. Held a lamb. . .to cook it for dinner last week

26. Gone skinny dipping. . .only w/ the man i luv

27. Run a Marathon. . .need conditioning 1st

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice. . .does daydreamin' count?!

29. Seen a total eclipse. . .from a distance

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset. . .best times of the day

31. Hit a home run. . .i feel that ev'ryday

32. Been on a cruise. . .that's all part of my ultimate plan

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person. . .it'll happen in my lifetime

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors. . .uh-huh

35. Seen an Amish community. . .only on the news circuit

36. Taught yourself a new language. . .evryday, i'm learnin' WAR of WORDs

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied. . .i tell myself that ev'ryday

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person. . .picture books at the library

39. Gone rock climbing. . .at my local gym

40. Seen Michelangelo's David. . .he's HOT!

41. Sung karaoke. . .only when i'm LIT like a match

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt. . .sounds scary

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant. . .YIKES!

44. Visited Africa. . .only time will tell

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight. . .depends on my mood

46. Been transported in an ambulance. . .knock on wood that i don't have 2

47. Had your portrait painted. . .sounds self-indulgent

48.Gone deep sea fishing. . .anyday is a gr8 time to do this

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person. . .one day at a time

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. . . the city of lights sounds romantic n e time of the yr.

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling. . .when i take my bubble baths

52. Kissed in the rain. . .it hardly rains in d'aygo

53. Played in the mud. . .sounds messy

54. Gone to a drive-in theater. . .as a lil' kid

55. Been in a movie. . .only in my dreams

56. Visited the Great Wall of China. . .hopefully very soon

57. Started a business. . .made attempts, but haven't followed thru

58. Taken a martial arts class. . .in my beddroom

59. Visited Russia. . .it's all a matter of time & $$$

60. Served at a soup kitchen. . .i don't think i have

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies. . .i usually eat them

62. Gone whale watching. . .at my backyard

63. Got flowers for no reason. . .i pick'd up sum 4 myself the other day

64. Donated blood. . .three times

65. Gone sky diving. . .soon

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp. . .probably not

67. Bounced a check. . .the story of my life

68. Flown in a helicopter. . .someday

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy. . .couldn't hold onto 1 that'll last

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial. . .back in high school

71. Eaten Caviar. . .YUMMY!

72. Pieced a quilt. . .of course

73. Stood in Times Square. . .wonderful

74. Toured the Everglades. . .may be

75. Been fired from a job. . .haven't had the honor of it, yet!

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London. . .in my lifetime, i'm positive.

77. Broken a bone. . .only sprains

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle. . .it's invigorating!

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person. . .in due time

80. Published a book. . .not creative enough

81. Visited the Vatican. . .soon dammit!

82. Bought a brand new car. . .when i win the superlotto

83. Walked in Jerusalem. . .eh, se soon!

84. Had your picture in the newspaper. . .in my sexy stilettos with my koolaid smile!

85. Read the entire Bible. . .waay back in college

86. Visited the White House. . .passed thru it on my way to the Capitol

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating. . .we islanders like to do that w/ pigs, chicken, & fish
88. Had chickenpox. . .when i was a lil' kid

89. Saved someone's life. . .not that selfless

90. Sat on a jury. . .i'm too biased to be selected

91. Met someone famous. . .at some point, i thought they were infamous

92. Joined a book club. . .sure i have, jst that i don't stay long to offer my opinion 'bout the dam book

93. Lost a loved one. . .i pray that it doesn't happen anytime soon

94. Had a baby. . .two of 'em

95. Seen the Alamo in person. . .NOT!

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake. . .i don't think i'll ever will!

97. Been involved in a law suit. . .does small claims count?!

98. Owned a cell phone. . .currently i do.

99. Been stung by a bee. . .got a huge wilt once from 1

100. Read an entire book in one day. . .sure, especially if it's a thriller!

I tag ANYONE who reads this and wants to do it!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

b-day blowout 4 Steel!

this day was a special day for steel seeing that he turned 5 y/os on the 20th of January. interesting fact that his b-day (date) will go down in history as when president obama's inauguration too. the pictures above shows how much the boys had a blast at the local indoor playground, my kid's clubhouse, located in bonita, ca. i prep'd a homebaked salami & cheese pizza that turned out delicioso, plus i baked a cake of chocolate covered cupcakes. it was divine!

::facts 'bout steel::
+ steel loves his action figures such as batman or hulk
= steel tends 2 act as older bro 2 shai
* steel loves favo channel is cartoon network
( steel has 2 eat ev'rything w/ 'ketchup', especially w/ rice or eggs
^steel loves to rough-house when he plays
#steel prays to have big muscles
} steel loves his mommy very much

happy 2009!

out w/ the old, and into the new year of 2009, and i'm jst so amp'd 'bout it all. i have only high hopes, so moving forward from here on out has 2 b brilliant. i spent my the holiday festivities w/ the ppl that i adore: my boo Paul & boys Shai-Styles (8) and Steel (5).

two wks off during the holidays was such a fun & relaxin' time. i had the boys with me for eight days, so a lot of outdoor activities not to mention, sleeping in and a whole lot of eating was such a treat. i did manage to see my oldest bro, julius & family, while they were visiting the greater san diego area & 4 da vry first time meet my niece, isabella. . .she's such a sweetheart. has my bro wrapp'd 4 sure. and his boys and mine were havin' a field day w/ eachother, in which the last time of them seeing one another was in '03 prior to my bro making the official move to hawaii.

so obviously now, i'm back at work and it's been hectic as usual. comin' back from a long holiday break, has us workin' 2 da bone in MIS/IT support, at least 4 da most part, not that i'm complainin' b/cuz these days we can't b 2 whiny 'bout our own situation. w/ the economic downturn and ev'ry1 strugglin' 2 pull it together w/ regard to layoffs, foreclosures, and the mere fact that we're in a recession, u try 2 make due w/ wat u have. so ev'ryday, i gr8ful 4 bein' able to have a job that provides me the stability and security i need to provide for myself and my boys.