Friday, February 27, 2009

be true to thyself!

i've been thinkin' a lot 'bout doin' somethin' completely out of character, and often times when i begin to feel this way, it's entirely based on my "mood". yes, i'm feeling like i need to take charge and be bold about my life, my decisions yet again. i often times struggle with this when i feel i don't have a handle but in retrospect, i actually do. in terms of new adventures and/or horizons, i definitely have a plan to develop my hobbies for the upcoming year. my absolute belief in life is that life in itself is undeniably short and to miss out on the wonders of what this this great world has to offer would be a shame. i hope to achieve of the following work-in-progress to-do list that is shown below, and i plan to chronicle my new experiences by showing fotos and/or videos of it, so please stay tuned.

.:.gettn' a acne peel and deep cleanse exfoliation
.:.buying a cal king size mattress set
.:. redesign living room and furnishings
.:. spruce up my existing warddrobe
.:.taking a mini-trip to an exotic and/or unfamiliar place
.:. learn to make sushi
.:. a trip with the boys anywhere but san diego, ca

tune in to see this list grow. . .

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

exploring alcatraz. . .

a few months ago, i had the priveleged of visiting one of the most
historic landmarks in american history, the infamous, alcatraz federal prison, which resides off the coast of the san francisco bay. my stay out to the bay area was short & sweet seeing that i initially went out there to meet up w/ 1 of my bffs, arlene, who was in training for the week & due to scheduling conflicts, wouldn't make the trip out to san diego, ca in time to catch up. so instead, myself and arlene's sis, lia, plan'd a two-day trip to visit her instead. we spent the day playin' "tourist" by takin' the san francisco trolley down to fisherman's wharf and from there walk'd down to pier 39 to catch the hourly ferry to our final destination. the ferry ride to the remote isle was quick and unmemorable, in which it also only took less than 20mins. that saturay day happened to be wonderful crisp clear blue sky w/ temperatures in the mid 60s, and we were dress'd for the anticipated tour. below are a series of photos that depict that very day and what an awesome experience it was to spend that mid-morning bein' educated 'bout the events that had transpired. i hadn't realized that it was designated as the very first federal state prison in the nation. not to mention that after it had been condemned and closed due to upkeep maintenance fees, there had been revolt by local native americans claiming the isle as their own due to the "gov't" taking theirs and w/ the support by the public, these natives received their reservation lands because of this effort during the late 60s. wat an amazing story to learn 'bout something so profound which makes me feel that more empowered.

Monday, February 02, 2009

.:25 of MY most random quirks:.

tag TWO: the purpose of this frivilous tag is absolutely NOTHING, however, it does allow for time at work to fast forward not to mention, u learn a lil' 'bout MY effervescent whacky personality & idiosyncrasies in one fellow swoop. . .

25. since watching joe wright's depiction of "pride & prejudice", i daydream 'bout backpacking thru the countryside of the UK.

24. i loathe my ex-husband aka "battle X".

23. i continue to tell myself that i better kickstart a workout regimen, but i never seem to find the motivation and time to do it.

22. i PREFER anything victoria's secret w/ regard 2 wardrobe and accessories

21. my absolute favorite color is lipstick "RED".

20. i can cook & bake anything, so far haven't dodged from any culinary challenge yet.

19. i recycle, clip coupons, and save all my receipts, not to mention i take my coupon binder evrywhere i go, especially when i grocery shop.

18. i'm a thrill seeker at heart, so my hope is to fulfill the following in 3 yrs or less time: bunjee jump, sky dive, & scuba dive.

17. i voted for obama/biden in the 2008 general elections.

16. i have lived in southern california for the past 9 yrs and counting. . .

15. i have a sweet tooth on anything decadent.

14. i love taking hot showers, but prefer bubble baths instead.

13. i have a living will and trust in my boys' name.

12. i can watch sex & the city epis again and again. . .

11. i drink a morning cup of herbal tea to regulate me for the day.

10. i love to laugh so uncontrollably that it hurts.

9. whenever it rains, it's reminscent of my childhood years at home in samoa with my immediate family.

8. i hope to visit my parents in tutuila someday soon, i miss them terribly.

7. my best friends till this day are the very ones i have kept in touch since high school & for some in elementary: Iris Mutu, Puamemea Mamea, Serine Taifane-Pritchard, Kandra Lutali, & Claire Tuia.

6. i rather text sum1 than call 'em.

5. if money wasn't an option, i'd travel around the world to my heart's content with my boys.

4. i prefer good _____ over a cold bottle of Michelob Ultra.

3. i love s3x.

2. i live for spontaneity.

1. you cross me, & i write you OFF permanently like a bad debt!