Monday, February 02, 2009

.:25 of MY most random quirks:.

tag TWO: the purpose of this frivilous tag is absolutely NOTHING, however, it does allow for time at work to fast forward not to mention, u learn a lil' 'bout MY effervescent whacky personality & idiosyncrasies in one fellow swoop. . .

25. since watching joe wright's depiction of "pride & prejudice", i daydream 'bout backpacking thru the countryside of the UK.

24. i loathe my ex-husband aka "battle X".

23. i continue to tell myself that i better kickstart a workout regimen, but i never seem to find the motivation and time to do it.

22. i PREFER anything victoria's secret w/ regard 2 wardrobe and accessories

21. my absolute favorite color is lipstick "RED".

20. i can cook & bake anything, so far haven't dodged from any culinary challenge yet.

19. i recycle, clip coupons, and save all my receipts, not to mention i take my coupon binder evrywhere i go, especially when i grocery shop.

18. i'm a thrill seeker at heart, so my hope is to fulfill the following in 3 yrs or less time: bunjee jump, sky dive, & scuba dive.

17. i voted for obama/biden in the 2008 general elections.

16. i have lived in southern california for the past 9 yrs and counting. . .

15. i have a sweet tooth on anything decadent.

14. i love taking hot showers, but prefer bubble baths instead.

13. i have a living will and trust in my boys' name.

12. i can watch sex & the city epis again and again. . .

11. i drink a morning cup of herbal tea to regulate me for the day.

10. i love to laugh so uncontrollably that it hurts.

9. whenever it rains, it's reminscent of my childhood years at home in samoa with my immediate family.

8. i hope to visit my parents in tutuila someday soon, i miss them terribly.

7. my best friends till this day are the very ones i have kept in touch since high school & for some in elementary: Iris Mutu, Puamemea Mamea, Serine Taifane-Pritchard, Kandra Lutali, & Claire Tuia.

6. i rather text sum1 than call 'em.

5. if money wasn't an option, i'd travel around the world to my heart's content with my boys.

4. i prefer good _____ over a cold bottle of Michelob Ultra.

3. i love s3x.

2. i live for spontaneity.

1. you cross me, & i write you OFF permanently like a bad debt!

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