Thursday, September 11, 2008

today is a gift!

yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, and today is a gift, that's why they call it the Present!
so i'm baaack to bloggin', with a bit of a congested chest & cough. yet, it hasn't stopped me from doin' my thang and that i still managed to get up out of bed and come into work. a ton of stuff has happened since my last time bloggin' up in here. . .so let's start off w/ the fact that "today is a gift", in which i appropriately titled this post here. basically, i'm jst in sheer glee with ev'rything up to this point in my life. even though i feel that my overall circumstances can do sum improvement, but that hasn't deter'd me in the least bit of plowin' thru my days. i do know in my heart and mind, that the lil' things will eventually blow over and that six months from now that i can look back & jst smile. . . so far that's been my life's mantra, and i'm almost certain that by nxt month or so, that i'll have a new set of worries; usually thats how life shows it's colorful humor and disguise. i constantly have 2 remind myself that it's a matter of controlling our reaction, and by dwelling on jst the negativity, it's very possible that it can be that much harder 2 detect the good in any form or shape if it enters in our realm. . .so stay positive and rely on ur own support system 2 get ya thru each week.

off-topic, i had a b-day recently in which i turned the big '31'. granted, that i still get carded and that most ppl say that i don't look my age, but i take it as a compliment and jst go w/ the flow. i guess i shu'd b thankin' mom & dad 4 their superb genetics. in any case, i had a gr8 time since i was w/ ppl that r of gr8 importance in my life, paul and my two boys, shai-styles & steel. we dined at sum a-typical 50's diner out in coronado, and it was by sheer luck that my part-time sitter was available to sit for the boys while paul and i "ran the streets" downtown -- randomly selected a pub called 'whiskey girl' adjacent to market street. i shu'd forewarn u that havin' the cold/flu especially on ur b-day, and than tryin' suck down sum brew & shots isn't highly recommended, simply b/cuz ur tastebuds seem out of whack'd. but overall, it was best b-day evr. thanks boo!!!

so i'm glad it's at the end of the week, and i'm still feelin' miserable, goin' on 2 wks w/ this damn sickness. i can't seem to shake the cough though. it's been drivin' me nuts, i tell ya. i've tried mostly all the over-the-counter remedies, but it seems it doesn't suppress it long enough for myself to get better. perhaps i'll try a couple of home remedy fluids. until than, happy bloggin', readin. . .peace. . .i'm out!!!

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