Thursday, April 02, 2009

mY-ind "small" truth

Tats: 2

Piercings: ears

Vices: opinionated by nature & sex

Favo-food: sushi

Ideal ride: ecologically-friendly

Retreat: anything "earth" extravagant

Proudest moment: Accepting defeat w/ my marriage, and being euphoric ‘bout it

Dream vacation: Shang-hai or Old Countryside of the UK

Collect anything: packrat by right, so save a lot of misc knick-knacks

Fondest childhood memory: Sunday to’ona'is after church and Christmas eves dinners w/ fam

Phobias: Getting sidetracked again on my goals for the future, livin’ by a man’s standards

5 yrs, where do u c urself: local savvy business entrepreneur, w/ MBA to boot – and taking over Maeva legacy reigns w/ pops’ blessing.

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